
Moving to deverado.wordpress.com

Moving to deverado.wordpress.com because commenting was difficult.

I have third party cookies disabled, and I like it that way. Blogger doesn't work like that, just tested it. Here is the discussion that tipped me of.

I like discussions and disabling third party cookies -> move decision clear. Always wanted to try tumblr and Wordpress.
Tumblr: Out because requires people to have accounts to comment on posts
Wordpress: Powerful - but I'll miss the tree-archive widget!


Chef's awesome - but bootstrapping can be a pain

Bootstrapping chef nodes in a bar bones virtual server environment took me some time to figure out. I had especially issues with the hostname not being recognized.

Problem is that in my bare-bones vservers the servers come without a useful hostname/domainname setting.

Finally now everything works. I did:

  1. Create the vserver(s)
  2. Set up the vserver's DNS entries
  3. Copy my ssh id to the server(s):
    scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@
  4. Create my base role (check out the quickstart)
  5. Add the hostname and resolv recipes of johntdyer https://github.com/johntdyer/hostname-chef https://github.com/johntdyer/resolv-chef (they have to be in you local repo as cookbooks/resolve and .../hostname). Upload them and add them to the base role's run-list
  6. DNS should be ready now, so:
    knife bootstrap hostname.domain.de -E dev -N hostname.domain.de -r 'role[base]'
    Decide if you need the environment setting (-E) - I find it damn useful.
  7. NOW BEWARE, your nodes can now be found with
    knife search "name:*" BUT
    knife ssh "name:*" DOES NOT WORK. Maybe a bug: http://serverfault.com/questions/346418/knife-ssh-doesnt-find-my-nodes/346542#346542
    The nodename init needs a chef-client run to propagate. So do:
    knife ssh "name:**filter**" chef-client -E dev -a ipaddress -x root
    Here pay attention to the ipaddress part. I would love to know how I should have discovered that the thing that is referred to as IP in knife search and other places is called ipaddress here...
  8. Done. Check your nodes: knife search node "*:*"
    The names should be corrected now.

If anybody knows the siblings to ipaddress and where that is documented please let me know. There's a question, too: http://serverfault.com/questions/400836/what-are-the-values-for-attributes-in-knife-ssh-a-ipaddress-etc